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new! 12V70 AV Li-ion battery with a digital charging status indicator, for the following usage purposes:
- fishing : 12V electric motor, echo solot, energy supply on the water.
- electrical driving operation : As an energy source for 12 electromotors up to 55LBS thrust (electroot, dinghy, etc.).
- Freizeit : As a auxiliary battery for the sailboat, motor boat or motorhome and caravan.
travel time: It depends on the
boot loading, the weather conditions, waves and the
electric motor (driving at a low level can more than
to double!). The battery can replace a lead battery up to
to 12V130AH (indicative driving time with normal use 4
St. with 55lbs e-engine).
most important features:
- compact and light: The battery weighs only 6.5 kg
- top properties : constant thrust, even if
the battery is almost empty. Can be discharged up to 100% without adverse
effect on performance and service life
- high user pleasure : light and compact, charging status display via LED, can be used with standard DC-AC.
- Simple charging : Charge fast and in between
(fully loaded within 4-5 hours) and also with sun panel
charging (special loader is required.
- reliable and long service life : built -in
protection against abuse (against deep discharge, overvoltage, too high
temperatures, etc.) by a BMS (battery management system) and a lifespan up to 10 years .
- 2 year guarantee