Carp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!
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Imperial Baits is known for bringing top quality baits onto the market, which provide impressive catches shortly after the first launch.
This time, too, and meanwhile this boilie has been a bestseller for years. Is Karsten fishing with Scopena.Love in this video ? Who knows it ;-)
Max Nollert about the test phase of Scopana Love Boilies:
"It went differently than usual! We not only tested with our team, but also let our customers participate extensively in the 3 test series of the new Carptrack Boilies. From the beginning in the spring we received regular great catch reports and feedback, so that we were already very satisfied here! This is how it went through the summer ! But when we released the version "Scopana.Love 3tuned" in October , it suddenly happened in quick succession and the catch reports really took off. We had never experienced that before in this dimension.”
What was changed in the recipe at the end?
Based on the feedback, it was time for final fine-tuning. In addition to the natural and tasty ingredients, such as the finest roasted peanut flour, the best egg food from no less a company than Witte Molen , protein concentrate , Add Fat , Scopex and pineapple flavor ... and a few more ingredients, a special peanut flavor (Roasted Peanut) was added. This smells as if you were roasting fresh peanuts in a pan - a dream ! In the "3tuned" version , the fat content is also reduced , the boilie is enriched with an even higher doseLactalbumin and Eggalbumin more resistant and harder.
Video: The Boilie Secret to IB Carptrack Scopana.Love - all Secrets inside!
Boilie recipe for the self-roller.
Carptrack Scopana.Love Boiliemix: 1 kgCarp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!