Slatfloor / Alufloor / Hochdruckluftboden

Slatfloor / Alufloor / High pressure air floor

3 products

3 products

iBoat floor types: Slatfloor, Alufloor and high-pressure air floor

Slatfloor – premium slatted floor

The slat floor for iBoats is completely covered with thick inflatable boat material.

  • Ideal for short trips or long sessions – it always stays in the boat and is ready for use upon arrival.
  • Easy boarding, like a boat with a continuous floor.
  • No more impractical gaps (no hole step).
  • Saves a lot of space: In the iBoat 320 you gain almost 200 liters compared to the high-pressure air floor!

Alufloor – Robust and stable

The Alufloor is particularly robust and made of aluminum including stabilizers.

  • Recommended if your boat is always on a trailer.
  • Perfect for spin fishing while standing.
  • Suitable for larger engines.
  • Disadvantage: Complex assembly, not suitable for daily assembly and disassembly.

High-pressure air floor – flexible and durable

The high-pressure air floor is made of durable high-tech PVC with a honeycomb structure.

  • Always stays in the boat and is ready for use.
  • Offers a very stable running surface (up to 0.7 bar).
  • Easy to repair if necessary.
  • However, it takes up a relatively large amount of space in the boat.
iBoat inflatable boat various floors