Triple DVD ''Carp Total Vol 2'' 2009-2011 3 DVDs = 245 minutes = over 4 hours
10 finely tuned films by Max Nollert about the highlights of his most successful carp trips in Germany and France Years 2009-2011. With many big ones up to over 25kg on large waters up to 4800ha! 45 min. Bonus film: Active midsummer catfish fishing from the boat on the Middle Rhine with, among other things, 5 PBs up to over 70 kg. See exciting drills throughout the DVD, the most successful Fishing methods, techniques, tactics and problem solving. Explained and demonstrated live on the water by Max Nollert. No staged scenes. This DVD awakens a sense of adventure!
The films will take away your inhibitions about large bodies of water, Show you ways out of difficult situations and be an invaluable guide for your future fishing trips. Use Max Nollert’s experiences to find your fishing luck!
Total playing time: Over 245 minutes Including a 30 € coupon for the stone figure “Skulp Carp” Pay only €99 once instead of €129!
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Carp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!