IB Carptrack Proteinkonzentrat
What a great product!
Not only very helpful for producing boilies but also highly attractive.
- High protein content with excellent protein digestibility,
- low ash content
- high proportion of water-soluble proteins
- excellent binding, pelletizing and extrusion properties
= ideal for making boilies and of course for carp fishing!
High stimulating effect on all carp-like but also other types of fish.
Use Carptrack protein concentrate with a proportion of 5-10% in your boilie mix. They will thank you!
Carptrack protein concentrate is a very important ingredient in all Carptrack mixes, the effect is uniquely good!

- Humidity: 3-6%
- Rohprotein:68-72%
- PH value: 5.5 - 6
- Crude fat : 10-16%
- Ash : max. 9%
- Crude protein digestibility : (Pepsin method) min. 97%
Amino acids:
- Lysine : 4.64 %
- Proline : 6.17 %
- Methionine : 1.44 %
- Glycine: 9,90%
- Cysteine : 0.60 %
- Alanine: 6.40%
- Threonin : 2.54 %
- Response : 3.54 %
- Tyrosine : 1.81 %
- Isoleucin : 2.43 %
- Asparagin : 5.73 %
- Leucine : 4.96 %
- Cool : 3.03%
- Phenylanin:2,81%
- Glutamine: 10.43%
- Histidine : 1.39 %
- Arachidon : 2,000%
- Argentina : 4.47 %
- Taurine: 0.081 %