Carp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!
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This innovative rod pod offers ultimate stability and flexibility for any carp angler. With robust materials and an adaptable design, it is perfect for any fishing environment. Whether on a lake or river, the Monsters Paradise Rod Pod will keep your rods safe and in position.
Best paint job, not comparable.
For use with the boat adapter , as this was specially developed and manufactured in Germany for this rod pod.
Scope of delivery of the Basic Monsters Paradise Rod Pod:
Free: Carrying case
All buzzer bars are equipped with Quick Lock – no magnetism, just to be on the safe side!
Order additional accessories
After or with your order of the basic rod pod you can tell me whether you need extension legs or additional buzzer bars. I will send you the final price.
There are no shipping charges and no discounts on the Monsters Paradise Rod Pod.
Tight lines,
Max Nollert
Click here for the boat adapter for the Monsters Paradise Rod Pod:
Carp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!