Osmotic Oriental SpiceMix:Sweet, spicy and fiery hot at the same time!
The consistent feedback from European carp anglers:
“Catches instantly, in any season and on any water.”
Ideal for short sessions, winter sessions and competitions.
By using highly attractive and water-soluble flours as well as a special formula, we managed to create a fiber network. This special fiber network enables an exchange between surrounding water and attractive ingredients deep into the boilie Especially in spring and winter he plays his trump cards.
The Osmotic Spice Boilie has been a fish guarantee par excellence since its first test use on the water!
Made with the special Essential Oil Osmotic Oriental Spice (8ml/kg), Osmotic Spice Power Powder (1g/kg) and Liquid AMINO (18ml/kg) & NHDC (7ml/kg). Use it to pull the BIG ONES into the net!
Now also available in a 300g version for producing special hook baits directly on the water.
Good luck catching your dream carp, max nollert
Carp fishing adventure - we wish you much success!