Special ingredients: - IB Carptrack Crawfish Meal (the whole animal)
- IB Carptrack Flavor Crawfish
- IB Carptrack Flavor Monster Crab
Application: 1. Immerse your hook bait completely in a liquid medium, e.g. water.
Warning: in combination with Amino Dip or other liquids, completely different effects can occur underwater! 2. Shake the Amino Gel can well before use and then dip the bait into the powdered Amino Gel.
3. Dip the wetted bait again into a liquid medium to fix the Amino Gel.
4. Remove the Amino Gel from the hook tip - ready to fish!
The entire process can be repeated again. The more often you repeat it, the thicker the gel layer will be in the water.
Explanation video about the CRAWFISH Range from Sergio Ceccarelli