iRocks ("Blei")

iRocks ("Lead")

3 products

3 products

iRock - "more fish, more sportive, more nice! ”Gripper 80-300 g / inliner 180 g

Have you tried it?

  • sinks less deeply into the mud after being thrown than lead of the same shape
  • comes up faster from the bottom when pulling in, much less risk of snagging!
  • has more grip due to larger contact surface
  • improved hooking properties due to larger contact surface (more friction on the ground)
  • Minimized risk of dropping out as the iRock follows the jerky movements of the carp more gently
  • absorbs up to 5% of its own weight in aroma (e.g. flavor, dips, gels) and slowly releases it
  • un-dipped, the iRock looks neutral because it absorbs the surrounding water
  • does not require a coating that could later become detached on ground contact
  • If they are able to do this, carp will no longer be able to detect lead.
  • nature-friendly - non-toxic! No lead or tungsten!

iRock`s offer us many technical advantages for greater success in carp fishing and on top of that are completely harmless for our waters. For the first time, conservation is even cheaper than natural dirt!

iRocks can also be dipped as they were designed to absorb flavors. It has been a trend for other types of fishing for a long time, but it may still sound a bit strange to us.

Dr. Catch - Michael Lechelt - here is the report on the iRock

Big iBlog update on the iRocks - click here!

Note: the iRock has slightly more air resistance when throwing at long range.
Lighter iRocks can be fished for the reasons mentioned above. iRock inliner long-distance forms also under 100 g in cooperation with Ufosinker are now available!

- Properties of the iRock Gripper explained and demonstrated by Dennis Pries!
You can find the matching iBlog Update under this Link.

VIDEO: The iRock Statement