Wow, it was a crazy weekend - thank you very much!

admitted, it was an extremely tempting offer!
but that it would go off like that, we would not have believed. "Color: #ff8000;"> Thank you very much for your trust!

We have already sent hundreds of packages and be Send the packages today with 2 DPD vehicles.

still applies:

  • from € 49 shopping cart & gt; shipping -free immediate delivery to all countries (expess, very quickly).
  • In the event that it shouldn't have worked for someone, let's apologize. little attention is always there.
  • Further optimizations for filling streets, package organization etc. should further increase the shipping pace . A no-fault-area should reduce packing errors to an absolute minimum. Unfortunately, there are no zero errors, not even with us. But we try.

Further news about the company Was Boilies, Boote, Solar Tackle and Carp R Us will be concerned shortly.

tight lines,
Max Nollert & amp ; Team

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