Pimp my Bait

Pimp my Bait - It's that easy.

We look at one of the most important measures for successful carp fishing, not only when you need to do it quickly.

Pimp my Bait – The game changer

Discover the possibilities of Pimp my Baits with our Pimp my Bait guide.

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With Carptrack additives everything is possible

Carptrack additives can take your baits to the next level!

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Whether pure or mixed with soil from the water's edge!

Mixed yourself or ready-made?

Carptrack inLiquid and Carptrack Powder make up the famous paste that is incomparable to anything else. If you don't want to mix it yourself, you can get the ready-made liquid powder paste in every flavor here.

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If you have paste, you have fish

It's not that easy? Yes, it is a game changer and we look forward to hearing about your success.

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Feed smart, catch more and save money

With GLM it gets really fat. Have you tried it yet?

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Liquid Amino Acids

Liquid, fragrant and tasty amino acids - that's Liquid Amino - not only makes carp happy.

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Gel is brilliant - sticks to any bait, just wet it. It only takes a little longer to catch, but then...

Dip Dip Hurra

The Amino Dip with adhesive formula - pretty strong!

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Legendary Catches

Berny always knew how to do it - and his catches are legendary.

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