IBOATS: Mathis Korn Neue YouTube Videos - Autumn Offensive and Sylvester at Salgou
mathis korn unoxing2 and fishing on the Große See.
whether autumn storms or spring winds - the iBoat 320 defies the powers.
and do not forget ilife src = "https://www.youtube.com/embed/4jbpzgjseic" Title = "YouTube video player" allow = "Accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen = " "Width =" 560 "Height =" 315 "frameborder =" 0 "> iFrame>
New Year's Eve carp fishing on the lac du Salagou.
accompanies my buddy "Steini" and me over New Year's Eve on the fascinating Lac du Salagou. With the ibaot 320 it goes to cold water and there are many carp angelers on the lake. That does It is not particularly easy for us, but see for ourselves how we deal with the situation at the lake. Have fun with the new film ...
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