Activ Baits - Boilies

Activ Baits - Boilies

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4 products

4 products

Any type of fishing becomes more effective with Activ Baits - that's without a doubt!

The boilies with more solubility. Test it now and be amazed😃.
Also available now in >>24mm<<.

  • Sessions without pre-feeding
  • short trips from afternoon to late evening or early morning
  • One Night Stand
  • on longer, extended trips where you have the option of repositioning the rods, depending on the situation.
  • if you don't have any problems with white fish, such an "Active Bait" will stay in place for 15, 20 or even 24 hours, depending on the water temperature.

Good carping,
max nollert

P.S. cunning species recognized the great benefits of Activ Baits long ago and kept it to themselves for a long time. Now for everyone!

The bombs only go off in the water.

Activ Baits